550+ Bible Quiz For Adults

 550+ Bible Quiz For Adults   

- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.biblestudios.bibletrivia - IOS: https://apps.apple.com/vn/app/bible-quiz-questions-answers/id1590338120

1. In what languages were most of the Old Testament and New Testament given in?

A. Hebrew and Greek

B. Greek

C. Greek and Latin

D. Latin and Hebrew

2. How much of his wealth did Zacchaeus give to the poor?

A. 10 percent

B. collected in taxes

C. half of it

D. all of it

3. What will be the outcome of honoring your father and your mother?

A. you will live long in the land

B. that you will prosper in all you do

C. that you will be blessed to the seventh generation

D. you will have bountiful crops

4. To what city was Saul traveling when he saw a great light and Jesus asked, “Why do you persecute me?”

A. Damascus

B. Jerusalem

C. Bethlehem

D. Philippi

5. What animal does Moses compare the people of Israel to when speaking to the Lord?

A. sheep

B. lions

C. goats

D. eagles

6. In Luke, the woman cleans Jesus feet with what two things?

A. tears and her hair

B. soap and water

C. water and a towel

D. tears and a towel

7. As part of his miracle, Jesus fed the multitude with what type of food?

A. A fatted calf

B. Pizza

C. Loaves and fishes 

D. Bread

8. What should you not put under a bushel?

A. candle

B. fish

C. berries

D. cross

9. How many apostles did Jesus have?

A. 7

B. 10

C. 12

D. 13

10. What did Jesus say would happen after Peter denied Him 3 times?

A. A fat lady would sing

B. A cock would crow

C. The bells would ring

D. The sun would rise

11. Name one of the five books in the Bible that contain only one chapter.

A. Habakkuk

B. Titus

C. Obadiah

D. John

12. What was one of three gifts presented to Jesus by Wise Men from the east?

A. Silk

B. Silver

C. Chickens

D. Gold

13. How was John the Baptist killed?

A. Beheaded

B. Stoned

C. Crucified

D. Hung

14. "Who of Jesus' apostles was once a tax collector?"

A. James

B. Philip

C. Matthew

D. Andrew

15. In the parable of the tares, how did these weeds get into the field?

A. Wind blew in seeds

B. Birds brought the seed

C. An enemy planted them

D. Owner neglect

16. What was the surname of the apostle Labbaeus?

A. Thaddeus

B. Andrew

C. Aaron

D. Peter


17. "Then assembled together the chief priests, and the scribes, and the elders of the people, unto the palace of the high priest, who was called __________."

A. Caesar

B. Apollo

C. Caiaphas

D. Judas

18. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

A. Peter

B. John

C. James

D. Judas Iscariot

19. After Jesus's resurrection to whom did he first appear?

A. Mary Magdalene

B. James

C. Peter

D. Mary

 20. Fill in this blank: Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, _____ _____ can help him up.

A. Jesus Christ

B. God’s spirit

C. his family

D. his friend

21. Jesus said the kingdom of God is like what kind of seed?

A. Mustard

B. Pomegranate

C. Grape

D. Fig

22. In his own country, Jesus sent out his disciples in groups how large?

A. One by one

B. In twos

C. In threes

D. All twelve together

23. How were Jesus' clothes divided when he was crucified?

A. The centurion got them all

B. They cast lots

C. They divided them by weight

D. They cut them in half

24. How many of each animal did Moses bring into the Ark?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 4

25. Even though Moses was told that he was not allowed to enter the promised land, he prayed and was allowed to what?

A. Enter it when he was very old.

B. See it from a distance

C. Send everyone else ahead of him.

D. Offer a sacrifice there.

26. How many robbers were crucified with Jesus?

A. 1

B. 0

C. 3

D. 2

27. Even though Moses was told that he was not allowed to enter the promised land, he was told to appoint and encourage who to lead Israel into it?

A. Aaron son of Amram

B. The Israelite children

C. Caleb son of Jephunneh

D. Joshua son of Nun

28. Where was the woman from that asked Jesus to heal her demon possessed daughter?

A. Galilee

B. Jerusalem

C. Sidon

D. Canaan

29. Herod the King told the Wise Men to send word to him once they found the young child so he could come and do what?

A. Kill him

B. Bring him gifts

C. Worship him

D. Make him king

30. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall

A. Be Comforted

B. See God

C. Obtain Mercy

D. Inherit The Earth

31. Where in the Bible can you find what is commonly called the 'Beatitudes'?

A. Mark

B. Matthew

C. Luke

D. John

32. To pay the Temple Tax, where did Jesus tell Peter to find the coins?

A. In a Fish

B. At the Temple

C. In His Tunic

D. From The Priest

33. What was more glorious than even Solomon dressed in his splendor, according to Jesus?

A. Lilies

B. Peacocks

C. Roses

D. Marigolds

34. What was Jesus' occupation?

A. Blacksmith

B. Fisherman

C. Web Designer

D. Carpenter

35. When Jesus walked on water, what did his disciples mistake him for?

A. A tree

B. A demon

C. A ghost

D. A prophet

36. Who was Jesus baptized by?

A. John

B. Timothy

C. Peter

D. Joseph

37. God told Moses not to come any closer to the burning bush until he did what?

A. take off his sandals

B. acknowledge God as the One True God

C. sacrifice his son Isaac

D. listen to an angel

38. Satan tried to tempt Jesus to turn stones into bread, but Jesus answered that man also lives on what?

A. Lamb

B. Water

C. Manna

D. God's Word

39. What does Jesus' name, Immanuel, mean?

A. Strong Man

B. God with us

C. Carpenter

D. God is gracious

40. Who changed his name to Israel and why?

A. David after he won the battle with Goliath

B. Jacob after he struggled with God

C. Moses after he was found as a baby in a basket

D. Daniel after he came out of the lion’s den

41. In what languages were most of the Old Testament and New Testament given in?

A. Hebrew and Greek

B. Greek

C. Greek and Latin

D. Latin and Hebrew

42. God told Moses not to come any closer to the burning bush until he did what?

A. take off his sandals

B. acknowledge God as the One True God

C. sacrifice his son Isaac

D. listen to an angel

43. How much of his wealth did Zacchaeus give to the poor?

A. 10 percent

B. collected in taxes

C. half of it

D. all of it

44. Name one of the five books in the Bible that contain only one chapter.

A. Habakkuk

B. Titus

C. Obadiah

D. John

45. Fill in this blank: Two are better than one because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, _____ _____ can help him up.

A. Jesus Christ

B. God’s spirit

C. his family

D. his friend

46. Who changed his name to Israel and why?

A. David after he won the battle with Goliath

B. Jacob after he struggled with God

C. Moses after he was found as a baby in a basket

D. Daniel after he came out of the lion’s den

47. To what city was Saul traveling when he saw a great light and Jesus asked, “Why do you persecute me?”

A. Damascus

B. Jerusalem

C. Bethlehem

D. Philippi

48. What animal does Moses compare the people of Israel to when speaking to the Lord?

A. sheep

B. lions

C. goats

D. eagles

49. What will be the outcome of honoring your father and your mother?

A. you will live long in the land

B. that you will prosper in all you do

C. that you will be blessed to the seventh generation

D. you will have bountiful crops

50. In Luke, the woman cleans Jesus feet with what two things?

A. tears and her hair

B. soap and water

C. water and a towel

D. tears and a towel

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